vendredi 23 janvier 2009


Comme je ne voulais pas de purée, Maman s'est dit que j'allais manger comme une grande!

Comment ça la fourchette est vide?

Oh oh...

C'est pas grave, on continue sans l'assiette!

Mmmmm! C'est encore meilleur avec les doigts.

Les carottes? Non ça va, merci. J'ai déjà le nez assez orange comme ça...

Pour finir, je me débarbouille toute seule!!!

jeudi 15 janvier 2009


C'est même sous-titré en anglais pour ceux qui comprennent pas le francais/cajun...

vendredi 2 janvier 2009


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New Year's Day is an opportunity to remember the events of the past and look forward with hope to the year ahead.

This New Year is an exciting time for our country, as the peaceful transfer of power is one of the hallmarks of a true democracy. We are preparing to welcome a new President into office, and we celebrate in a spirit of unity: one Nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.

As my time in office comes to a close, I thank the American people for trusting me with the honor of serving our great country. It has been a tremendous privilege, and together we have accomplished a great deal. Among other things, we have advanced the cause of human freedom; we have strengthened our military and our Nation's security; we have empowered parents to demand educational excellence for their children; and we have revolutionized the fight against poverty, corruption, and the scourge of disease around the world.

Earlier this year, I promised that I would sprint to the finish of my time as President. We are working hard to keep that promise. Despite the challenges we face, nothing encourages me more than the character of the American people, whose acts of courage and service sustain our free society and make this the greatest country on Earth.

Laura and I send our best wishes for a happy New Year. May God bless you, and may God continue to bless America.